The Woo Hypothesis

There has been a lot of discussion, off and on, more on than off lately, about Sasquatch and portals, Sasquatch and cloaking, and Sasquatch associated with other paranormal phenomena. Many of us in the Bigfoot community are using the term “woo”, when discussing this sort thing.

Now, I am, by my nature, not argumentative. I always assume, as a working hypothesis, that people who have observed, and reported, Sasquatch engaging in paranormal activities, or woo, are not lying about their observations, until proven otherwise.

Allow me to interject here that I think that there are almost certainly several species of unidentified, upright walking apes, related to all us other apes, running about the planet.

I will now present my hypothesis concerning areas where Sasquatch have been exhibiting “woo”. The hypothesis is: these places have a bad case of the fairies.

Yes, fairies, beings like the sylphs, naiads, and dryads of Greek mythology, the lower order devas of Hinduism, or the Djinn of Arabia. Sometimes, these days, they are called nature spirits. The Celts called them the Good Folk, the Gentry, the sidhe, as in the bann sidhe and pict sidhe. Or, more specifically in this case, pookas, the shape shifting fairy of Irish legend. Pookas lead people astray, as is illustrated in the stage play Harvey.

Elwood P. Dowd, the lead character in Harvey, is led astray from his successful career in the world of banking after he encounters Harvey, a six foot three and a half inch tall upright walking rabbit. Harvey talks Elwood into leaving banking and, instead, spending his day socializing with the lower classes in a local bar. Certain recent revelations, coming from the woo side of Bigfootery, suggest that American pookas are practicing their guile on this continent right now.

Every older culture, all over the world, has stories about non-physical entities that can delude humans and, sometimes, manifest a see-able form, make audible noises, produce smell-able odors, induce emotions in the observer, and generally make things go bump in the night.

John Keel proposed that such entities are hostile to humans and come from some other dimension, with naughty intentions. I think they are perfectly natural entities that occasionally like to flabbergast us. The form they assume is taken from our minds and the current surrounding culture, as are their actions. Which is why much of what they do is inexplicable.

I, personally, have occasionally run into some of these buggers, a subject which I have elaborated upon in other quasi-theories.

Now, where do these creatures come from? I think they come from wherever sub-atomic particles pop out from and disappear back to, where photons that are quantum entangled talk to each other. They come from a higher order Riemannian phase space, of which our world is a multiply connected subset, in other words, the Astral plane.

That said, any of these beings that have time to waste dorking about with us humans are of a low order and not very bright. Some of them are quite territorial and radiate anger and hostility. I chased one around in a basement of an old house once. They back off when confronted.

They don’t do portals, as such, but they can sure make you see one, along with demons, guardian ewoks, appear as mind speaking Forest People, or what have you.

So, in conclusion, if the Bigfoot you are seeing comes from a portal, that ain’t a Bigfoot, it’s a bloody fairy!

First shared on the Squatcher’s Lounge Podcast:

For the reading impaired, an audio version of this quasi theory may be found here:





2 thoughts on “The Woo Hypothesis

    1. Bhai Din Post author

      Are you referring to the portals Matthew Johnson has claimed to witness? The ones he says are powered by energy taken from a roadside amusement attraction called the Oregon Vortex, by its builders? The one that was built with the angles and dimensions designed to be an optical illusion?

      Oregon Vortex

      Edmund, if you read some of my other blogs here, you will have noticed that I have had some odd paranormal experiences in my life, and still do. Try this one:

      Atlantean Black Magician

      It is difficult to distinguish what an astral entity claims it is, from what it actually is, if you don’t have . My friend was convinced the entity was a dead, Atlantean, evil sorceror, come to capture our souls, for having gone A.W.O.L. from his camp tens of millenia ago. She had been reading “A dweller on Two Planets”, which I had also read.

      A Dweller on Two Planets

      As the description says, this book is a work of fiction, but is the source material for all sorts of later “spiritual” movements.

      Now, if Johnson really has seen what he has claimed to have seen, he is being jerked around with by some astral entity, not enlightened beings from some other dimension/planet/etc. These entities, call them nature spirits, fairies, whatever, pick things up from your mind, rearrange them a bit, and then present them to you as ancient wisdom. There’s a good reason that most of the older cultures, e.g., the Celts, warn against listening to what the Good Folk tell you.



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